Infineon 브랜드의 새로운 오리지널 전자 부품 IC 칩용 Sak-Tc277tp-64f200n DC 재고 있음

Infineon 브랜드의 새로운 오리지널 전자 부품 IC 칩용 Sak-Tc277tp-64f200n DC 재고 있음

EMI 인터내셔널(홍콩) 주식회사 세계 최대 생산국인 중국에 뿌리를 두고 있습니다. 중국은 세계에서 가장 크고 포괄적인 공급망 시스템을 보유하고 있어 전 세계에 제품을 공급할 수 있습니다.
모델 번호.SAK-TC277TP-64F200N DC
운송 패키지기준
등록 상표기준
HS 코드8541290000
생산 능력50000 조각/월
상품 설명

Sak-Tc277tp-64f200n DC for Infineon Brand New Original in Stock Electronic Components Integrated Circuit IC Chip

Sak-Tc277tp-64f200n DC for Infineon Brand New Original in Stock Electronic Components Integrated Circuit IC Chip

Sak-Tc277tp-64f200n DC for Infineon Brand New Original in Stock Electronic Components Integrated Circuit IC Chip

Sak-Tc277tp-64f200n DC for Infineon Brand New Original in Stock Electronic Components Integrated Circuit IC Chip

EMI International(Hong Kong) is rooted in the world's largest manufacturing country-China. China has the world's largest and most complete supply chain system so we can provide global customers with the most timely and accurate component information and the most cost-effective components. At present, EMI has developed to be a comprehensive and diversified business network and has become an influential integrated distributor in the global industry. EMI is the official first-level agent of NICOMATIC(France), Chongqing Southwest Integration, and ITF Filter(Korea). It is also the graduate internship base of the Key Laboratory of Big Data and Visual Intelligence Key Technology of Xidian University...